Check-In Procedure
- While each park attempts to accommodate your exact spot request, the on-site manager has the ultimate decision for spot placement.
Electrical Rates
- $0.13 per KW
Electrical Usage
- Guests are required to pay their own electrical usage prior to checking out of the campground. Payable at the campground office. Which at that time, the deposit will be refunded.
- Guests reserve the right to put their deposit towards electrical or any other expenses accrued while at the park, with the balance being refunded.
- Guest who fail to pay their accrued electric charges upon exiting the RV Park automatically forfeit their deposit to the RV Park.
- Tampering with electrical meters, wiring, or cabling services is strictly forbidden.
Wifi Services
- Wifi services are offered free and as a convenience to our guests; altering hacking and unauthorized or illegal use of campground hookups, such as signal boosters, pigtails, and other such devices, are prohibited.
Water faucets
- Water faucets and sewer connections are not to be altered in any way, and only approved camping water and sewer connections are authorized.
Guest Personal Responsibilities/Requirements
- Guests are responsible for their personal property, vehicles, boats, campers, and personal property.
- The RV Campground recommends all guests secure all their personal valuables.
- All RV Park registered Guests are responsible for their family members, guests, pets, and children, including their behavior and conduct while at the park.
Pet Policy
- Vicious/Aggressive/Barking pets are not permitted.
- Exotic Pets are not permitted.
- All South Carolina Leash Laws apply to Campground.
- All pets must be on a maximum 6’ leash & under complete control of the owner at all times when outside of their RV.
- Guests with pets are required to clean up behind their pets.
- Failure to comply with pet rules may result in forfeiture of your deposit.
- Pets are limited to 2 per site.
Visitors/Guests Policy
- All visitors who are not authorized quest/park employees entering the park must report to the main office prior to entering campground areas.
- Guests are limited to 5 person’s per-site.
- Additional guests are $5.00 each per night.
- All sites are limited to 8 guests.
Campsite Cleanliness
- All campsites must be kept clean and sanitary at all times, and all guest shall leave their site in the same condition as received.
- Trash and other items not typically found on campgrounds are not permitted.
Items not permitted on Campground but limited to the following.
- Construction trailers, boxed trailers, equipment, or construction-type materials.
- RVs with window units or any type of electrical equipment that is not factory installed in the RV, such as electrical or gas-operated heaters.
- Wooden Decks/Porches not authorized by management.
- Outside storage buildings/containers, freezers & refrigerators.
- Tarps, plastic, wood, or cardboard covering camper roofs, windows, slide-outs, or any other part of the camper.
- Ground skirting/covers on campers.
- Vehicles of any type, not in operating order.
- Outside trash cans, a trash dumpster is provided for your convenience.
- Excess firewood, only enough firewood for one night is permitted.
- Leaking sewer and water hoses, campers, boats, or motor/electric vehicles
- Sewer hoses that are not authorized RV sewer hoses.
- All RV’s must be supported by authorized camper jacks.
- RV’s supported by cinder blocks, wood, bricks, or any other material other than authorized camper jacks are not permitted.
Campground Dumpster
- The campground dumpster is for household garbage only.
- Items such as large boxes, appliances, furniture, electronics, gas/electrically operated devices, wooden crates, and contaminated and used fluids will not be permitted in the dumpster. These items can be disposed of at the county dump site down the street.
Gas/Electrical Vehicles/Boats Policy
- All RV’s and gas/electrically operated vehicles, including boats, must be in good legal standing. Meaning they need to be legally registered, if required, in accordance with South Carolina laws.
- Campers and motor vehicles must have an up-to-date registration and a displayed state license plate from either South Carolina or the state the guest resides in.
- All vehicles are required under SC law to be insured.
Parking/Storing Items
- Parking/storing items in vacant campsites is not permitted.
- For any violation, the guest will be required to pay the daily lot cost for that campsite.
Feeding of Wildlife
- Feeding alligators & other wildlife is not permitted and is strictly forbidden.
Littering around the Lake
- Littering or trashing the lake, its shorelines, or its docks is strictly forbidden.
- Violations can result in fines issued by the Department of Natural Resources, totaling up to $1500.00.
Fish cleaning/Processing
- Fish cleaning/processing is strictly limited to your RV site.
- Fish remains must be properly disposed of in your household garbage and placed in a dumpster.
- Fish remains will not be disposed of in the lake or in the sewer system; doing so is strictly forbidden.
Alcoholic Beverages
- Alcoholic beverages are neither recommended nor suggested by RV Park.
- However, guests who desire to consume alcoholic beverages are required to do so within their RV/campsite.
- Alcoholic beverages consumed outside must be in either a cup or drinking container not identified as alcoholic beverages.
- All Guests are responsible for their use of alcohol, and acts of public drunkenness or disorderly conduct are strictly forbidden.
Illegal Drugs
- The use of illegal drugs is strictly forbidden, and SC Law Enforcement will immediately be notified upon its discovery.
Fires Policy
- The use or display of fireworks or firearms of any type is strictly forbidden.
Trespassing Policy
- Trespassing on lands/wooded areas surrounding/adjacent to the RV Park, not the property of Johnston’s Landing Campground, is strictly forbidden.
Vehicles Policy
- All Campers 10 years or older must be approved by management prior to scheduling a stay with and at Johnston’s Landing Campground.
- Vehicles (including boats & trailers, golf carts & other gas/electrically operated devices) 2 Per-site.
- Must be able to fit on your assigned site.
Disturbing Noises
- Disturbing noises, music, or from outside surround sound systems is strictly forbidden unless approved by Park Management.
Video Surveillance Equipment
- Tampering, of any form, with video surveillance equipment is strictly forbidden.
Park Facilities
- All park facilities and equipment are intended for the convenience of park guests.
- The use of these facilities and equipment is done at the guest's own risk and consent.
- The Park and its management and staff are not responsible for accidents caused by fire, theft, wind, flood, and acts of negligence, nature, or other unfortunate circumstances.
Eviction From The Campground
- Park Management reserves the right to evict or refuse service to any person(s) violating or disregarding any of the aforementioned written rules without refund.
Cancellation Policy
If the guest cancels at least 1 week before your check-in day and time, they will receive a full refund (minus Spot2Nite convenience or resort fees). If the guest cancels within the 1 week before check-in, there will be no refund.