Check-in: 12:00 PM
Check-out: 11:00 AMRules
Registration and Arrival
Check-In Procedure
- Check-In: 12 pm (noon) - Flexible.
- Check-Out: 11 am.
- Please arrive at your assigned site, which is found on your reservation confirmation email.
- If you have any questions, please call us at (928) 575-9199.
- We do not have someone at the office 24/7. Thank you, and we hope you enjoy your stay!
- While each park attempts to accommodate your exact spot request, the on-site manager has the ultimate decision for spot placement.
Quiet Hours
- Quiet Hours are from 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM.
- Overnight visitors can stay up to 3 consecutive nights in 7 days.
- However, any visitor wishing to stay more than 3 nights must register with the office before the visitor's stay.
Minors Safety
- Parents are responsible for their children's supervision, conduct, and behavior at all times.
- Please respect your neighbors and do not cut through their site.
Pet Policy
- Pets must always be kept on a leash.
- Upon arrival, please notify the RV Resort Office of all pets.
- Pets may not be left unsupervised in your unit, fences, crates, or tied.
- Please dispose of pet waste in the provided receptacles.
- Pick up after your pet!
- Pet owners are solely responsible for any damage, harm, or loss caused by their pet to Indian Hills RV Park, L.L.C., or any other person.
- Tents are Allowed.
- But before driving stakes into the ground, please get in touch with the office.
- This is for your safety and our water, septic, and electric lines.
- Sewage and gray water must not run on the ground.
- Dumping wastewater on the ground is not allowed.
- Waste must be directed into the septic outlet.
- A positive sewer seal is required at both ends of your hose.
- Generators are not allowed inside the RV Resort.
Fire Safety
- No fireworks are allowed.
- Fires are not allowed except for B.B.Q. Grills or small fire pits at least six inches above the ground.
- Homemade fire pits, washing machine drums, etc. are not allowed.
No Soliciting
- No Soliciting or any commercial activity.
Local and State laws
- All Local, State, and Federal Laws apply to all persons on the Premises.
- You, as our guest, are responsible for the conduct of your visitors.
- Please ensure they are familiar with our Rules and Regulations before entering the Park.
- Objectionable conduct of any kind or violation of any park rule or anyone causing a disturbance will immediately be asked to leave the premises and will forfeit all fees.
- Rowdiness, loud music, abusive language, violent behavior, drunkenness, possession, or use of drugs will not be tolerated at any time.
- Vandalism in any form will not be permitted.
- Illegal drug use.
- Smoking is not allowed in any Resort facility.
- Smokers, please do not throw cigarette butts on the ground.
- Outside storage of appliances, interior furniture, flammable liquids, or hazardous materials.
- Please advise your guest.
- Please help keep our restrooms clean.
- If the restroom needs attention, please inform Park Management of the problem.
Speed Limit
- The speed Limit is 5 M.P.H.
Parking Policy
- All vehicles must be parked on the rented lot, not the adjoining one.
- RVs, rigs, and units must park behind the street line.
- Do not park past your electrical pedestal into the neighboring lot.
- Livestock trailers and dry camping are allowed in designated locations only.
- No parking zones include streets, fire lanes, empty RV spaces, laundry areas, and along fencing or on the turf grass.
- Vehicles parked in prohibited spaces will be towed at the owner's expense.
- All property must be in the confines of the space.
- Parking on roads is prohibited.
- Each RV will only use one space and hookups for that assigned space.
Vehicle Policy
- No vehicle maintenance, oil changes, or repairs are allowed.
- Emergency repairs may be allowed with Park Management's approval.
- Contact Management before starting any emergency repairs.
- All RVs are advised to have a surge protector on their pedestal.
- Available for purchase if needed.
- Off-road, all-terrain, or unlicensed vehicles cannot be ridden in the park.
- No RV’s that falls into disrepair will be allowed to remain in the park.
- All RVs and other vehicles must always have current licenses, registration, and insurance.
- Occupants and their vehicles may be removed without a judicial hearing by law enforcement officers upon 72 hours written notice for failure to pay the total amount of space rental when due or for failure to comply with written rules and regulations of the Park.
RV Area
- No temporary buildings, structures, outside appliances, window air conditioners, etc., without Park Management approval.
- Outside of RV and Lot area must be kept clean and debris-free.
- Trash must be bagged and placed in dumpsters.
- Outdoor furniture, a few potted plants, etc., may be allowed on your patio if the site looks neat and uncluttered.
- No landscaping (plants, bushes, fences, gardens, lawn jockeys) may extend beyond your patio pending office approval.
- No indoor furniture may be left on the patio.
Management Responsibility
- Management reserves the right to evict or refuse entry to anyone who has disobeyed the rules without a refund.
- Guest and their visitors use the site, the park, and its amenities at their own risk.
- Management assumes no responsibility for accidents, injuries, or losses from any cause.
- The guest (s) agrees to carry and maintain in full force and effect adequate property and liability insurance on any vehicle or recreational unit brought into the Park.
- We are not responsible for your losses due to theft, fire, storms, accidents, or rushing or rising water.
- We reserve the right to change the rules, regulations, and fees we deem necessary.
- We cannot strongly enough emphasize the necessity of each tenant(s) conformance with the rules.
- Your cooperation will make this park a better and neater place for you and your neighbors.
Policies and Terms
- Policies and terms are set and enforced directly by Indian Hills RV Resort and are subject to change as their policies are adjusted.
- Please get in touch with Indian Hills RV Resort for more details.Cancellation Policy
Campground Cancellation Policy
- If you do not cancel your reservation, this is refundable when you check out if your site is in neat and clean condition and your electricity is paid in full.
- If you cancel your reservation for any reason, we will collect a $100.00 non-refundable deposit.
- 100% refund until 7 days before check-in.
- 50% percent refund 3 days prior, then 2 days earlier, the reservation is no longer refundable.
- Note: All refund calculations exclude the RoverPass service fees and credit card processing, which are non-refundable.
RoverPass Cancellation Policy
- The platform and processing fees are non-refundable.
- All Spot2Nite reservations require payment in full at the time of booking.
- Please contact Spot2Nite to cancel a reservation via email to [email protected] or call (877)778-2683, Option 1.
- Spot2Nite convenience fees and credit card processing fees are non-refundable.