
Camp Clearwater Family Campground

112 RV Sites

Nestled on the picturesque shores of White Lake, Camp Clearwater stands as North Carolina's largest family campground. Renowned as the nation's safest beach, White Lake's pristine beauty, encompassing 1,100 acres of crystal-clear water, powdery white sandy bottom, and gently sloping shores, has lured families from across the East Coast, including North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Florida. Immerse yourself in White Lake's natural splendor at Camp Clearwater, boasting 1,300 feet of private white sandy beach and four piers offering breathtaking views. Our campground offers a wide array of site options to cater to your Overnight, Seasonal, and Year-Round camping needs with RV sites, manufactured homes, and park model rentals. While enjoying the idyllic Camp Clearwater, take advantage of the region's abundant recreational opportunities. Discover the wonders of nearby Singletary Lake State Park and Jones Lake State Park, where hiking trails, scenic picnic spots, and nature's captivating beauty await. Or explore the meandering waters of the Cape Fear River, renowned for its excellent fishing and kayaking opportunities. Camp Clearwater offers an unparalleled camping experience, providing a haven where families can create cherished memories amidst the allure of White Lake's natural grandeur.

What does this place offer

Select a site at Camp Clearwater Family Campground


Things to know




Park Regulations: - Quiet Hours Midnight until 7:00 a.m. – All campers on their campsite by midnight, loud noise and music shall cease then. - Camp Clearwater is a good neighborhood park. - Please treat your neighbors and other people in the park as you would like to be treated. - Please use good and reasonable judgment and conduct yourself in a respectful, friendly, courteous, and safe manner. - Please promptly report problems to a Clearwater staff member and complete an incident report if the situation merits it. - I understand that my unit shall be moved from the lot to storage at my expense if my lot license fee is delinquent. (Moving and Storage charges are a minimum of $100.00.) - Should I vacate the lot, or fail to make a timely payment, Camp Clearwater reserves the right to issue the lot to another camper and hold and dispose of private property to satisfy the debt. - Camp Clearwater reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to terminate this agreement at any time and remove your unit from the lot. - If the conduct of the occupant or their guest(s) is dangerous too, or disruptive to others at Camp Clearwater, or is in violation of the park rules and regulations, or if the appearance or condition of the unit or the lot is not maintained satisfactorily, the occupant may be asked to vacate the lot immediately (remove the unit within 30 days). - Occupants will be held strictly responsible for the conduct of their agents and guest(s), and all agents and guest(s) will be required to comply with all rules and regulations of the park. - Any disruptive guest will be removed from Camp Clearwater immediately. - Camp Clearwater is a family-oriented facility and all occupants are required to conduct themselves so as to provide a safe and wholesome family atmosphere. - While each park attempts to accommodate your exact spot request, the on-site manager has the ultimate decision for spot placement. Alcohol Policy – No alcoholic beverages are allowed off of your site regardless of what container they are in. - They are not allowed on your golf cart or while you are operating a vehicle. - Disruptive, drunken behavior will result in dismissal from the park. Parents Policy - Parents are responsible for the actions and safety of their children. - Be a good neighbor and help keep our kids safe. - Children may not be left unattended at any time. - Children may not be left unattended at any time. - Driving-age teenagers to immature young adults may not stay in the park unless a parent is present in the same unit. Visitors Policy – All visitors must display a window sticker or mirror hanger visitor pass. Use of Your Unit Policy – Only the agreement holder, immediate family, and close friends may use the unit. - NO SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNMENT ALLOWED. Vehicles & Parking Policy – 10 mph speed limit. - Protect our children. - There is a two (2) vehicle maximum per lot. . - Please park on your site and do not block neighbor’s lots or park in street. - Do not park on vacant campsites. - No Electric Scooters, Mini Bikes, 4-Wheelers, ATVs, or Gas Golf Carts. Beach, Piers, and Boardwalk Policy – No cooking on the beach. - Do not dive or jump from piers or boardwalks. - White Lake is very shallow and you could get hurt. Construction Policy – A zoning permit from the Town of White Lake and a building permit from the Bladen County Building Inspections Department must be obtained before any structure is built or placed on a lot. - For RVs/Park Models the White Lake Zoning Ordinance setback requirements are five feet from the side and rear lines and fifteen feet from the street. - Manufactured homes have different setbacks. These regulations are in place to enhance safety. - Please do not look at your neighbor to see how you can arrange your lot. Your neighbor may be in violation. - Check with the Town of White Lake, at 910-862-4800. - They have the authority to impose stiff fines for non-compliant structures. - Avoid expensive trouble and obtain the proper permits. - Comply with the ordinances of the Town of White Lake. Pets Policy – Please keep pets on your site or on a leash, this includes all animals, not just dogs. - Please do not allow pets in the water, on the beach, boardwalk, or on piers. - Our dog parks are located between Tenth and Eleventh Streets & at the end of Eula Jane Street. - Please clean up behind your pets, especially in the dog parks. - To avoid a problem with stray animals, anyone caught feeding them in the park will be fined. - Excessive numbers of animals or dangerous animals are not permitted. - We are pet friendly as long as pets are friendly. Watercraft Launch Ramp Policy – Be aware of changing conditions and operate safely. - No trailers parked on the beach area. Sometimes ramp is inoperable due to conditions beyond our control. - Please be understanding. Responsibility Policy - Camp Clearwater is not responsible for any loss, damage, or injury occurring within the park. Music Policy - To allow everyone to enjoy the park, be courteous about your choice of music and volume. - Profanity, vulgar lyrics, and excessive volume will not be allowed within the park. - Offenders may be expelled and evicted from the park immediately and permanently. Signs Policy – Signs are to only be posted at the LP Resale canopy, at the end of Pam's Garden Area, or on your lot. - Yard signs must be professionally made. - We will remove any signs that do not meet policy specifications or are not in designated areas. - Fines imposed for violators. Burning / Safety Policy – Use only manufactured outdoor fire receptacles. - Firearms and fireworks are prohibited. Lot Markers Policy – Please do not damage, deface, remove, relocate, or alter lot markers. - Offenders will be charged for repair or replacement. Campsite Maintenance Policy – Please keep your unit and yard presentable at all times, this includes between and behind the unit. - Per the WLFD there should be no storage behind units. - Lawns that are not kept mowed throughout the year will be mowed by our staff and you will be billed. - If your site is not properly maintained you must leave the park. Waste Disposal Policy - Please dispose of your garbage - the disposal area is at the end of Main Street. - Recycling is mandatory. - Household trash goes in the green compactor. - Glass, paper, and plastic go in the recycle bin - NO BAGS IN THE RECYCLE BIN. Vandalism Policy - Please do not damage or destroy property within the campground. - VANDALISM WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT DISMISSAL OF THE PERPETRATOR AND HIS/HER ENTIRE FAMILY FROM THE PARK. Golf Carts Policy - I understand that I must carry liability insurance on all golf carts operated in Camp Clearwater and that I am responsible for such golf cart(s) and whatever happens because of the way the same is/are operated, regardless of who is driving. - I agree to pay for any injuries or damage caused by my golf cart(s). - If my golf cart(s) is/are operated in an unsafe manner, I understand that it must be removed immediately from Camp Clearwater upon request of the management. - I understand that my golf cart must be kept in good repair and must be issued a 2025 sticker by Camp Clearwater staff before use this year. - Loud, disruptive, or profane music from golf carts, cars, or campsites is not permitted, and if not corrected after one warning is cause for dismissal from the campground and immediate removal of the golf cart, vehicle, or camper. - Carts must have headlights and tail lights or reflectors. - These rules are for your safety and pleasure. - Anyone violating these regulations or conducting themselves in a manner that disturbs the peace, safety, or pleasure of other campers will be expelled and evicted from the park with no refund in the sole and absolute discretion of Camp Clearwater. - OBEY ALL LAWS OF THE CITY, STATE, AND COUNTY

Cancellation Policy

- Cancellations are non-refundable. - Spot2Nite convenience fees are non-refundable.