Check-in: 3:00 PM
Check-out: 11:00 AMRules
Check-In Procedure
- Check-in time is at 3 pm.
- Check-out time is at 11 am.
- We do allow early check-in and late check-out for an additional $10 charge for RV and tent sites.
- Simply check with guest service for more information.
- While each park attempts to accommodate your exact spot request, the on-site manager has the ultimate decision for spot placement.
Arrival Times
- 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Initial Deposit
- At the time of booking, 100% of the reservation balance will be collected.
- Payment for all retail items and gift certificates will also be collected.
Credit Card Security
- Your credit card information is stored and processed securely.
Severe Weather
- In case of severe weather, prepare, plan, and seek shelter ahead of time.
- Our office is always available during these events if needed
- Bring all belongings inside.
- Big Tex Campgrounds LLC will not be responsible for any acts of nature that occur in our park due to severe weather or acts of nature.
- We highly encourage our guests to have full coverage insurance for these unforeseen events.
- We love pets, so in the event of severe weather, please bring them with you.
- If there is a limb/branch you are uncomfortable with near your site, please request we remove it or change sites.
- We value shade and privacy, and constantly maintain our grounds to avoid any unforeseen issues, we will not be held responsible for any damages due to natural causes or weather, again, we highly encourage having insurance for these reasons.
Open Fires
- Open fires are not allowed in our park.
- Fires must be in designated fire rings.
- No leaves, trash or fly away items.
- Be gentle when placing the logs.
- Understand that we are surrounded by trees and nature for children and adults - with that comes great responsibility.
- Fire pit safety is one thing, above all else, that we are very strict about due to the massive damage that can occur if our guests are not responsible.
- Do not leave fires unattended.
- Keep the fire small and manageable.
- We require our guests to have their own extinguishers near/in your camper in case of emergency.
- We want people to enjoy this place and its beautiful trees for years to come.
Electrical Use
- Please be mindful of your amp usage, 50 amps is the max allowed.
- Monthly guests are required to pay a refundable $200 electric deposit.
- This will be applied to your last month's bill and any remaining balance will be credited to your card.
- Any additional balance over $200 will be charged to the card on file.
- You are responsible for understanding how many amps you are using in our RV.
- Please notify the office if you have any electrical issues during your stay.
- Guests are not permitted to diagnose our electrical pedestals per insurance and safety requirements.
- Maintenance is happy to help, but will suggest our mobile repair man if unable to fix/diagnose.
- Even if you are an electrician, laws prohibit you from working on our pedestals unless hired to do so.
Septic Use
- Septic system damage can be very costly and can even result in shutting down the campground.
- Please be mindful that any and all items going down your drains are going into our system.
- Do not flush grease, feminine products, toys, harsh chemicals, or non-biodegradable items.
- We recommend using RV-approved biodegradable toilet paper to not only keep our system clean but to protect the longevity of your own system as well as Accidental Damages during your stay.
- Guests will be responsible for damages to their spot or in the campground.
- The costs can range depending on the damage but will be the "at cost" fair price.
- For example, if a guest backs into a waterline, they will be responsible for the PVC, fittings, and new hose bib material cost
Trash Policy
- Due to our natural environment, animals like possums and raccoons are attracted to exposed trash, to avoid dirtying our campground;
- Do not place your trash on the ground near the dumpster or at your site.
- Use the dumpsters that are located throughout the park for your convenience.
- Please tie trash bags closed and put your trash completely inside the dumpster.
- Do not dispose of wires, construction material, oil, furniture, mattresses, or any toxic waste or chemicals into our dumpsters.
- Let's keep our campground clean for everyone's children.
Children Policy
- Children are welcome with an accompanying adult.
- Children age 16 and under stay free.
- Please be sure to keep a close eye on your kiddos while visiting our campground.
- Children under 18 must be supervised by an adult at all times.
- Anyone under the age of 18 must be back at their site by dusk.
- Children under 12 may not use the restrooms without being accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- Children and parents must be aware of traveling vehicles and equipment at all times.
Natural State
- Due to the natural state of our campground, please watch for insects, animals, plants, and snakes at all times while outdoors.
- We strive to appreciate the nature and beauty of our campground.
- To keep it this way, you must abide by the following rules.
- There will be a $25 site cleaning fee added to your invoice and charged to the payment method on file if the site is left unclean.
- Keep your site clean and free of debris.
- We do not allow interior furniture outside of your camper.
- No visible loose storage around or under your camper.
- No permanent structures are allowed.
- All temporary structures such as dog pens must be approved by management.
Clotheslines and Tarps
- Clotheslines are not permitted in our park.
- Tarps are not allowed.
RV Washing
- Washing your RV is only allowed for our monthly guests only
- Management MUST be informed prior to approval.
- We allow washing once every 3 months.
- We ask that you be mindful of your water usage and the effects that that amount of water and soap have on your neighbor's site, nature, and your site while cleaning.
- No Bleach is allowed for cleaning as it damages exterior coatings on campers.
Visitors and Extra Guests
- For Insurance Purposes, only registered guests are permitted to enter the park.
- If there are more than the allowed 4 people per site, the additional guest(s) will need to pay a 5.00 day fee.
- If there are more than the allowed 2 cars per site, the additional vehicles will need to pay a 5.00-day parking pass.
- Visitors must register pets.
- Each pet has a 5.00 fee.
- Big Tex Campgrounds LLC reserves the right to limit the number of people visiting a site.
- Check-out for visitors is 1 pm the following day regardless of check-in time.
- Please check with the office before inviting any visitors.
- Registered guests are responsible for ensuring their visitors are properly registered and that all campground rules are followed.
- Visitors must sign our liability waiver upon arrival
- Please understand we have to know for safety and insurance purposes who is on our grounds at all times.
Fireworks and Firearms
- Due to their unpredictable nature, fireworks are prohibited in our park by our guests.
- The prohibiting of fireworks includes sparklers, smoke bombs, aerials, and firecrackers.
- The prohibiting of visible firearms includes all guns including air soft, BB, and pellet guns.
- If these items are seen outside of your RV, you will be asked to leave immediately without a refund.
- Any and all major repairs to RVs and vehicles are not permitted in our park.
- We are happy to recommend a local Mobile RV Repair service that comes out to your site to assist you with any repairs.
- If you would like our staff to help, they are not liable for any issues present and or future in regards to the repair.
- For this reason, we always recommend calling a professional.
Marketing Materials
- There will be times we will be taking imagery or video of our campground from time to time.
- If this concerns you, please bring it to our attention and we will remove any noticeable clips.
- On the other side of things, if you’d like to be in our marketing shots, simply ask us- we love capturing candid moments of people enjoying what we’ve built.
- Due to a lack of oversight and control for other people's privacy, private drones are not permitted in the park.
Safety, Security, and Emergencies
- At Big Tex Campgrounds, we adhere to and maintain all state, county, and local laws on property.
- Emergency Contact Information forms are required from all monthly guests.
- This information remains private and used only when a situation arises when we need to contact someone in the event of an emergency or is sought by law enforcement agencies.
- We never give personal information out to others.
- If you need to call 911 for any reason, and time allows, please call the office so the maintenance staff can be prepared to escort the emergency personnel to your site.
- Big Tex Campgrounds LLC is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged articles.
- Keep your valuables locked up.
- Report any problems with your site to the Main Office immediately.
Quiet Hours and Dark Sky Friendly
- We would like everyone to have a great experience while staying in our campground, so please be courteous to other guests around you.
- Quiet hours are from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM.
- Excessively loud music during these hours is not allowed.
- We ask our guests to be respectful of shining bright lights after dark, Awning lights are okay at any time of the night, however, we ask that the tow lights and front cap lights only be used after dark temporarily for reasons if needed, such as walking to the car.
- Guests violating rules after warnings that result in being asked to leave will not receive any refunds for their stay.
Pet Policy
- Pets are welcome.
- There is a 3-pet limit in the campground unless approved by a manager.
- All Pets must be registered at the Front Desk upon arrival Leash required.
- Leashes are required when on the premises unless in a personal pen with supervision.
- This helps you, your pet, other guests, and other guests’ pets stay safe.
- We have neighbors surrounding us with livestock and do not want to be responsible for any issues due to leaving pets unattended.
Cleaning Up After Your Pet
- Be a good neighbor and clean up after your pet always, this includes in your site and on the grounds.
- Do not let your pet waste on any of our other guests’ sites, please.
Leaving Pets Unattended
- Pets may not be left outside unattended in our park.
- Dog Runs are not allowed.
- Pens are allowed while the owner is on-site to keep an eye out.
- Leaving your pets unattended is dangerous for your pet as many factors including weather, power outages, etc. can affect your pet's well-being while you are away.
Pet Vaccinations
- Due to Insurance Requirements, all pets must be vaccinated in our park.
- Please make sure your pet’s shots are up-to-date and always keep proof handy in case of an incident.
- Excessive barking will not be allowed as it disturbs your neighbors and their experience.
- Please note that excessive barking may result in you being asked to leave without a refund.
- Look into silent, ultrasonic, anti-barking devices for assistance in training your pup.
Vehicle Policy
Speed Limit
- The park speed limit is 7 mph.
- This policy is to keep you, your children, and your pets safe.
- Exceeding this speed limit will result in a warning.
- Multiple warnings will require us to ask you to leave.
- Safety is our number one priority for our guests.
- Motorcycles must be at idle speed when traveling through the Campground.
Parking Policy
- Guests are allowed 1 RV and up to 2 vehicles per registration.
- Do not park on our grass or railroad ties.
- Ruts caused in your site due to additional vehicles will result in damage charges.
- Boats, boat trailers, and cargo trailers are not allowed on sites unless approved by management, car dollies are excluded from this.
- Storage is available for a daily rate of $5 a day or monthly rate of $25 in our parking lot and must be approved by management
- No parking in common areas.
- Do not park in the middle of the road.
- Do not park in sites that you did not register for.
- All Vehicles must be registered on your reservation.
ATV’s, Dirt Bikes, Motorcycles, and Golf Carts
- OHVs are welcome on-site and may be used very slowly while in our park.
- Only use golf carts on roads to get to and from your site.
- All drivers of these vehicles must have a valid driver’s license.
- Absolutely no REVING of any vehicle or motorcycle in the park for any reason at any time.
- As of this moment, we do not charge our guests to use their own personal golf carts.
- Please don't ruin that experience for future guests by being irresponsible.
Monthly Policy
- Monthly invoices, for extended stays over 30 days, are emailed 2 days prior to the first of the month.
- These invoices will include the previous month's utility charges and the next month's lot rent.
- Within these emails, a reservation summary link will appear and will allow guests to review and pay all charges securely online.
- We accept cash and checks at the dropbox. If paying online through the portal, choose the bank account/ACH option to avoid being charged an additional Credit Card Processing fee of 3.5%.
- On the 3rd if unpaid, we will reach out via email and phone call to attempt to collect payment.
- Starting on the beginning of the 4th day, a $10 dollar a day late fee will be added to the invoice until the full balance is paid.
- Please don't hesitate to reach out if there is a problem/issue we need to be made aware of.
- Guests are Required to Submit a 1 week notice to move (See Cancellation Policy).
Campground Disclaimer
- Understand Daily/Weekly spots are subject to change prior to arrival due to availability.
- We try to avoid this if at all possible unless absolutely necessary.
- If the site must be changed, we will do our best to choose an equally unique site with similar qualities.
- We set it up this way to allow our guests to avoid having to pay the commonly added "lock-in" fees you may have seen used at other campgrounds/resorts.
Cancellation Policy
If the guest cancels at least 1 week before your check-in day and time, they will receive a full refund (minus Spot2Nite convenience or resort fees). If the guest cancels within the 1 week before check-in, there will be no refund.